Specialist: Length of Service Celebrations

Specialist: Length of Service Celebrations

During the summer there was cause for celebration as we honoured employees who’d been with us for the past few years. Our CEO, Don Serratt, who’s the head of our specialist division handed out length of service badges to staff members who’ve been with us for 1, 2, 3,...
Glenholme’s Variety Show Submissions Are Now Open

Glenholme’s Variety Show Submissions Are Now Open

Our annual Specialist Achievement Event has been revealed. The Glenholme’s Variety Show, which is set to premiere in late 2023 will feature some amazing acts of all kinds from our fantastic residents in the Specialist services. The show will specifically focus...
Exercise and Sunshine

Exercise and Sunshine

Holdingham House making the most of the on-site gym facilities to keep fit and healthy, and above all, have a bit of...
Length of Service Celebration in Sleaford

Length of Service Celebration in Sleaford

We would like to thank all of our dedicated care professionals by celebrating their length of service here at Glenholme. Kent Phippen the CEO and Managing Director, and Don Serratt the CEO of Specialist Care visited the Sleaford Specialist services to hand out the...
Pottery Painting Café

Pottery Painting Café

Eddie and team members from Holdingham Lodge in Sleaford enjoyed a visit to The Pottery Painting Cafe on Wednesday 11th of May. After Eddie completed his gnome, they all went and had a nice hot drink in Sleaford town...
Sunny Day in Sleaford

Sunny Day in Sleaford

Our residents and support staff at Holdingham House in Sleaford, enjoying some quality relaxation time after a busy Easter bank...