

We have over 25 years working with commissioners, social workers, psychiatrists, GPs and other referrers to provide the best possible care for those we support. Many of the services we have developed have been as a direct response to a need that was identified by commissioners. We have a track record for providing excellent care, for being responsive and flexible, for showing commitment and determination and for working hard to achieve efficiencies wherever possible.

Our Professionals

Glenholme is a specialist provider of care for adults with learning disabilities and mental health conditions including those with complex and challenging needs and those with problems with addictions. Our care staff are supported by a quality management team and clinical psychologists. Although we started as a provider of residential services, the majority of our schemes are now supported living. This allows us to provide person-centred care which develops independence and puts the individual in control. We have extensive experience in supporting those with severe learning disabilities, often also having complex needs to live in their own home. We help those we support to manage their tenancies, budget for household expenditure and carry out a range of household tasks. We work with a range of housing providers to source high-quality accommodation. We demand that this is part of a local community with access to shops and good transport links.

Care Pathways

At Glenholme we are proud of our track record in providing high-quality care, producing positive outcomes and delivering value for money. Central to this is our transparent pricing structure and our ability to demonstrate a plan for each client’s progression so that, where appropriate, costs can be reduced. In addition, by offering residential, supported living and outreach services within the Group we are able to manage step-downs with the utmost efficiency. We are rightly proud of our low levels of placement breakdown which help to avoid unnecessary distress, disruption and cost.


Safe Guarding

Glenholme takes its responsibility for Safeguarding seriously and we have a clear policy is in place to uphold this.

  • Promoting good practice and work in a way that can prevent harm, abuse and coercion from occurring.
  • Empowering members of staff to feel confident in their practice and in how they react to situations where a person who uses services is thought to have been abused.
  • Ensuring that any allegations of abuse or suspicions are dealt with appropriately and the person experiencing abuse is supported to stop that abuse from occurring.

The prevention of any abuse occurring is our primary objective. All staff are trained in the issues that may lead to abuse, such as a person’s race, cultural background, disability, age, gender and sexuality. It is essential that we respond to incidents in a way that is in accordance with the guidelines of our local Health Authority and our own policy.


More Information

To learn more about Glenholme Healthcare or any of our services please call us at 01753 869 777