
Glenholme Holdingham Grange Care Home delivered over £100 worth of donated food to the New Life Community Larder on Mareham Lane, Sleaford. A food bank which serves the population of Sleaford and surrounding areas.

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, the food bank has assisted many vulnerable people with essential food deliveries and extended their deliveries to include families with children who would have usually benefited from the free school meal scheme. Due to schools being closed during this time the New Life Community Larder increased its workload to assist vulnerable families and has relied on donations throughout this time. It continues to rely on donations from the community and works throughout the year to provide ongoing support to people in need.

Sarah, who organised the collection and delivery of food items, said that it was a community gesture of goodwill to assist during the COVID crisis. She stated, “We never know when we might be in need of help and if communities can work together to benefit others, then that’s a good thing”.

Glenholme Holdingham Grange Care Home has also received support from the community during the pandemic in the form of letters written to residents from Church Lane Primary School, to cheer them up during lock-down and kind donations of knitted extenders for face masks, some of which have been handmade in lovely colourful materials, and matching knitted hearts for residents to share with their relatives to let them know they are thinking of each other. We have also received deliveries of biscuits, cakes and sweet treats for staff and hand creams to ease dry skin from extensive hand washing. It has been a time for people to pull together and to care about their communities and we have been overwhelmed by gestures of kindness.